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Analysis of the Game of Chess


Analysis of the Game of Chess

by A. D. Philidor

The incontestable superiority which Philidor preserved, for nearly half a century, over the most skilful players of Europe, would alone be sufficient to cause the merit of this work to be appreciated, were not the treatise itself universally acknowledged to be one of the best and most precious writings on the science of the Game of Chess. The author of it was particularly eminent for the skilful manœuvre of his pawns: it was he who first established it as a principle that it was impossible to be a good player, without knowing how to play the pawns, which he called the Soul of Chess, and that, on their proper or improper arrangement, depends almost always either the gain or the loss of the party. In the playing of this great master are constantly to be found a regular attack and a premeditated defence; and his remarks, whilst they prove his perfect knowledge of the game, attest the profundity of his genius.


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Book Details

Publisher Printed for P. Elmsly
Year 1790
Pages 197
Language English
Digitizing sponsor Google
Book from the collections of New York Public Library
Collection americana
 Identifier bub_gb_lAwFAAAAYAAJ
Google-id lAwFAAAAYAAJ
Licenseurl http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Mediatype texts
Scanner google
Source http://books.google.com/books?id=lAwFAAAAYAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api



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